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The following meditations will help you to Awaken and become aware of the Being of Light within you - the Real You!. Either choose one based on your current awareness and level of experience or if you are new to meditation, it is recommended to start with the ‘Mindfulness Meditation’ before progressing onto the other meditations.
It is also recommended to practise each for 4 weeks, with a 1 week break after every 2 weeks. However, this is not prescriptive and can be changed based on your experience and how you feel. Trust your intuition to progress at a pace you feel is right for you. For beginners, take your time, practising each sequentially for 4 weeks with a 1 week break every 2 weeks. This allows for gradual awakening, integration and progression.

A Guide to the 3 Soul Awakening Meditations below:

  1. Soul Light Awakening Meditation (Beginner): This Meditation will help you to Activate the Pure Divine seed of Light that exists within you. This is a good meditation to start your Soul Awakening journey.

  2. Soul & Source Awakening Meditation (Intermediate): This Meditation will Activate your inner Soul Light and the Bridge/Channel of Light to Source/God/Heaven. This is a good second meditation to progress onto, or to start with if you already have a clear awareness of yourself as a Being of Light but have not yet activated your channel of Light to Source.

  3. Whole Being & Enlightened Meditation (Advanced): This Meditation will activate your inner Soul Light, your Bridge/Channel of Light and your Higher Soul Light and Mighty I AM Presence at One with God/Source. This is a good third meditation to progress onto, for experiencing Enlightenment and beyond.

The Healing practice, Moving Qi-Gong Meditation and Book (Enlightenment & beyond)​ are supporting resources, designed to help and support your Awakening process and journey.

As mentioned above, it is recommended to practise each meditation below for 14 days. Have a break and rest for one week. Then practise the same meditation again for 14 days.
Apart from the initial 5-10 minute Mindfulness Meditation, the Awakening meditations may take approx. 45mins to complete at first, but with practice over time it will reduce to 30 minutes, then 20 minutes, then 10 mins, until it becomes a natural part of you and you will feel whole and connected at all times with the ability to tune-into, open up and receive all that you need from your Whole Being of Light at anytime, in any moment, whenever you desire.


o  Soul Light Awakening MeditationBeginner

This Beautiful Soul Light Awakening meditation will help you to activate & become aware of the sacred treasure that exists within you - that is you. The Meditation will help you to become of your own true sacred Soul Light within.

> ​Format: Text & Audio - Digital download.
Please read the accompanying text that comes with the Meditation for supportive preparation and guidance.

Cost: £9.99.

o  Soul & Source Awakening Meditation - Intermediate

This Beautiful Soul & Source Awakening meditation will help you to activate & discover your Soul (the Being of Light within you), your Bridge of Light / your Light Channel and to receive Divine blessings from God/Source/Heaven above.

> ​Format: Text & Audio - Digital download.

Please read the accompanying text that comes with the Meditation for supportive preparation and guidance.

Cost: £9.99.

o Whole Being & Enlightenment MeditationAdvanced

This meditation is a more advanced version of the Soul & Source Awakening meditation with additional guidance to help and support those wishing to experience Whole Soul Awakening & integration that will help you to open up to and unify with your Whole Being of Light within. The focus of this meditation is Whole Being Awakening and integrated Enlightenment.

> Format: Text & Audio- Digital download.

Please read the accompanying text that comes with the Meditation for supportive preparation and guidance.

Cost: £9.99.

o  Soul Healing practice

This Beautiful healing practice can be used to release any and all energy that no longer serves you and to help you to restore your Soul energy and Light within.

The steps included in the Soul Healing practice can help you to clear/release/remove/transform any and all energy that is no longer needed or wanted. And can be used to align with and restore the centered balanced vibrations of our Soul energy and Light within

> ​Format: Text - Digital download.
Cost: £5.

o Video: Qi-Gong Moving Meditation

In this video, we will enjoy a Gentle flowing Pure Qi-Gong Soul Light Meditation to activate our channel of Light to receive blessings from our Heavenly Source.
Qi-gong is a relaxing and energising moving meditation  that can be used to unify nourish and heal our mind, body and soul. Qi-Gong is an ancient Chinese healing practice which is a gentle yet powerful holistic form of exercise. Qi-gong is known to boost the immune system, calm the mind, clear blockages and energize the body.

> ​Format: Mp4 Video - Digital download. Cost: £9.99.
Download: Coming soon (2024).

o Book: Enlightenment & Beyond

                 A Practical Healing guide for all

  • Coming soon:  Sept. 2024, 1st ed. Available on Amazon in kindle & paperback format.

    • Format: Text - Paperback and Digital download.

    • Cost: £19.99

o Book: Enlightenment (2020)

> Format: Text - Digital download. Cost: £Free.

* Download: Click-here

Note: This book purposefully has no text. 
This book contains everything the second book contains, and the second book contains everything the first book contains, written down. :o)

o Audio: Soothing relaxing Music for quite time and Meditation

Relax and enjoy soothing sounds to sink into the bliss of your soul and experience paradise within.

> ​Format: Mp3 Audio - Digital download. Cost: £10.
Download: Coming soon.

o Article: The Evolution of Human Consciousness and Creativity (2014)

> Format: Text - Digital download. Cost: £Free.

* Download: Click-here

Written in 2012 at the tipping point of the energetic shift, awakening and the evolution of Human consciousness. The article presents the once elusive Light of Self-realisation and creativity, and describes an evolutionary Model of Human Awareness and Understanding towards Unity Consciousness and Healing for Humanity.

The article was aimed at the professional and academic communities, to help raise awareness of the value and nature of life within. And to support the awakening and shift in consciousness from physical & mind awareness to Mind-Body & Soul awareness.

An accompanying presentation was delivered at Universities within the UK to support this aim. Published online by SuperConsiousness Magazine and by The Alister Hardy Society.
In conclusion it was found that the energy and values of our Heart & Soul are integrating into society for us all to play an equal role in the development and creation of a Beautiful New World
upon the Earth.



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