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James is a Spiritual Being. An Awakened Being of Light. A wise and compassionate soul. He created the website as a platform to support others with Awakening, Well-being and Enlightenment.

Soul awareness enhances self-worth, self-esteem, self-confidence, self-reliance and enhances well-being, vitality, creativity and brings hope, healing and inspiration

I facilitate workshops to support Soul Awakening & Holistic Well-being, as foundational, evolutionary and emerging knowledge & life skill. 

I am passionate about helping and supporting others to become aware of their Universal & Unique Being of Light within i.e. their Soul & Source (Their True Whole authentic self). This is a significant evolutionary step in Human self-awareness, Holistic Health & Well-being.

Soul awareness has been and is largely lacking in main stream society today. The well-being of many people across the world is suffering as a result. There is a gap in society for Soul support services to help to enhance the well-being of many people across the world. Particularly those who feel they need and could benefit from such support. To find out more about support services provided, please click-here.
James is learning healing and growing like all souls through the human experience. He is a Soul having a Human experience just like you. Professionally, he is a University Teacher. In addition to his own learning development & healing goals, he is a deeply Wise sensitive and compassionate soul who is here to assist and support with Soul Awakening, Well-being, Enlightenment and Empowerment. He is a professional and ethical person, and is following his heart to be of service in this way.

His Soul purpose includes:
o Awakening and embodiment of his true Soul & Source self
o To assist and support others with their Soul Awakening and embodiment / integrated Enlightenment and self-Actualization.
o To enhance Compassion Humility and Unconditional Love
o To bring a softer/gentler more balanced form of teaching and parenting.
o To support planetary Ascension
o Enjoy energetic and life balance
o Flow, harmony and grace.

In addition to Graduate, Post-graduate and CPD Teaching qualifications. James has a Counselling Diploma, Coaching Certificate, EFT qualified practitioner and is a Qualified Mindfulness Teacher.
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